3 X 6 Apartment

  • $35 per night for one dog
  • $20 per night for an additional family member in the same apartment
  • Daycare can be added for additional playtime for $15 per day, Monday - Friday

4 X 8 Large Apartment

  • $40 per day for one dog
  • $25 per day for an additional family member in the same apartment
  • Daycare can be added for additional playtime for $15 per day and $12 per day for each additional family member, Monday - Friday

Pickup / Drop-off Times and Prices

8:00AM - 9:00AM
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Holiday Rates
No additional charge
$5-$10 per night
*We will administer medication for an additional charge. Each apartment has a Kuranda bed, but you are welcome to bring the beds, blankets and toys your kids love. Also, bring the food your kid/kids are used to eating in a container with a lid.

*There will be an additional cleaning fee for any messes that require an extended period to clean.

*An additional special care fee for dogs that are aging or have health problems which require special attention or extra eyes.

*A kennel repair fee will be added for any dog that destroy their kennel during their stay. This includes chewing holes in the door or putting holes in the walls. Price varies based on amount of damage and cost of materials to repair kennel.
Please Contact Us for Availability using the options below:

Ph: (706) 529-4813
Black and white dog sitting


Daycare Rates

Attend 1-2 days per week
Attend 3-4 days per week
Attend 5 days per week
Attend Half Day
Additional Family Member
$25 per day
$20 per day
$18 per day
$12 per day
Playtime for dogs is 7:30AM to 12:15PM and 2:30PM to 5:30PM. Naptime for pups is 12:30 to 2:30PM daily so that they do not get over tired and cranky and for employees to have an opportunity to eat lunch. Dogs will have access to inside and outside play areas during play times.

Half Day pick up is by 12:00PM. All other pick up times must be no later than 5:30PM unless arranged in advance.

Remember, tired pups are happy pups!

*A kennel repair fee will be added for any dog that destroy their kennel during nap time. If this happens multiple times, we may ask that you pick your dog up half-day before nap time.
Please Contact Us for Availability using the options below:

Ph: (706) 529-4813
Large Black and white dog standing in the shade